To celebrate the return of creating and enjoying live music together, Southeast Iowa Symphony Orchestra's season finale will feature a gathering of musicians from across Southeast Iowa, including community choirs, soloists and the full symphony.
Igor Stravinsky - Petrushka Suite
Janika Vandervelde - Polyhymnia for orchestra and choir with SEISO Chorus
Johannes Brahms - Schicksalslied (Song of Destiny), op. 54 with SEISO Chorus
Felix Mendelssohn - Violin Concerto in E minor, op. 64 - mvt. 1 featuring Marilyn Minford McCoid & Young Artist Competition winner Ethan Sexauer of Mt. Pleasant
There will be one show on Saturday and two on Sunday. If you use your season pass you can attend any or all of them.
April 23, 7:30 p.m. • Capitol Theater, Burlington April 24, 2 p.m. Bridge View Center, Ottumwa April 24, 6:30 p.m. • Iowa Wesleyan Chapel Auditorium, Mt. Pleasant
Bridge View Center Theater
102 Church St.
Ottumwa IA
(319) 385-6352
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