The Ottumwa Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Conductor and Music Director Dr. William LaRue Jones, invites you to experience the Wild West. There will be familiar Western movie and TV themes, some boot stompin' at the "Hoedown", the sound of thundering hooves in the "Light Cavalry Overture" by von Suppe, and much more. This will also be your opportunity to meet William Gentzsch in his debut performance as the Concertmaster of the OSO. Admission to the concert is by season ticket, on-line at or $25 at the door; K-12 students and IHCC students are admitted free with student ID. Enjoy a Round Up Happy Hour in the IHCC Formal Lounge before the concert. Get the party started early (6:00) with appetizers, wine and a musical treat. Jeans, boots, and western wear are encouraged! Admission to this event is $25. To make a reservation or for more information, please contact Mary Beth Hammer at 641-777-1691 or visit the Symphony website shown below.
St. John Auditorium - Indian Hills Community College
525 Grandview Ave.
Ottumwa IA
Mary Beth Hammer
(641) 777-1691
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