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Civil War Medal of Honor Recipients

Civil War Medal of Honor Recipients

Wapello County serves as the final resting place for three Medal of Honor Recipients from the Civil War.

Leonidas Godley: Godley received the Medal of Honor for his actions during the Siege of Vicksburg. His Medal of Honor citation reads " First Sergeant Godley led his company in the assault on the enemy's works and gained the parapet, there receiving three very severe wounds. He lay all day in the sun, was taken prisoner, and had his leg amputated without anesthetics." Godley is buried in Ottumwa Cemetery.

James Gardner: Gardner served in the 36th Colored Infantry. He recieved the Medal of Honor for his actions at the Battle of Chaffin's Farm. During the battle, Garnder rushed in advance of his brigade, shot a rebel officer who was on the parapet rallying his men, and then ran him through with his bayonet. He is buried in Calvary Cemetery.

John Donaldson: Donaldson served in the 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry and recieved the Medal of Honor fo rhis actions at the Battle of Appomattox Courthouse. During the battle he captured the flag of the 4th Virgina Cavalry. He is buried at Mars Hill.


Ottumwa IA 52501


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