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American Gothic House 95th Anniversary Celebration

Stand where Grant Wood was inspired in 1930 to create one of the most famous paintings in history.

In 1930, Grant Wood took a tour of Eldon, Iowa, and spotted a little white house with a large Gothic window. Inspired, Wood quickly sketched the house and returned home to Cedar Rapids to paint American Gothic.


The original house still stands to this day, and its exterior is viewed by thousands of people each year. Join us during this 95th anniversary year and create your own American Gothic-themed masterpiece.

The American Gothic House in Eldon, Iowa is famous as the backdrop of Grant Wood’s 1930 painting, American Gothic. Since completion, the painting has become an American icon, and has been both the backdrop and the model for a countless number of parodies.

The original portion of the house that contains the two Gothic windows (one on the front of the house, one on the back) was built in 1881-82 by Catherine and Charles Dibble. Over the years the house has changed hands with the owners either living in the house or maintaining it as a rental property. The State of Iowa is the current owner, acquiring it in 1991 when then-owner Carl E. Smith donated it to the State Historical Society of Iowa. From 1991 to 2014, SHSI continued to rent the house out, asking the tenants to also act as caretakers for the house in their absence.

This beautifully crafted house still stands where it was first built. With its listing on the National Register of Historic Places (1974), the donation to the State Historical Society of Iowa by Carl E. Smith (1991), and the addition of the American Gothic House Center (2007), the house is secure in its original location.

The American Gothic House Center adjacent to the House opened in June of 2007. It is approximately 2,500 square feet and features an exhibit gallery, media room, and use of costumes with paid admission. The gift shop is free to enter. The Center is located on property owned by the City of Eldon, Iowa, and is managed by the Wapello County Conservation Department. Annually, the Center receives over 12,000 guests from both spontaneous visits and organized group tours.

Other activities to do while at the American Gothic House Center include an 18-hole disc golf course, a paved walking/biking trail, nature study at the prairie gardens, a Little Free Art House, and picnicking.

There's no better time to visit the American Gothic House than during one of its annual events:

Blacklight Egg-stravaganza: April 17 - Use the provided black-light keychain to find eggs hidden in the museum gallery---- in the DARK! Each egg will reveal the name of a Grant Wood artwork. Find all 12 to receive a prize.

Chief Blackhawk Talk: April 26 - Carpool to Chief Blackhawk’s grave at Iowaville Cemetery to hear from Russ Fry, local historian, documentarian, and project manager of the Black Hawk Rock historical site.

American Gothic Art Contest: Entries for the annual art contest can be submitted at the center from April 23-May 23 and will be on display for public voting June 4-8. Enter for a chance to win a cash prize!

American Gothic 5KKick off the Gothic Days celebration with a 5K race through Eldon that starts and ends at the American Gothic House.

Porchfest: August 23 - bring your lawn chairs and blankets and enjoy a day of live music on the front porch of the Gothic House.

Murder Mystery Case 4October 23 - unravel the crime by solving puzzles and deciphering clues in this annual mystery event. No prior participation is required.

Gingerbread House PartyDecember 6 - enjoy a festive afternoon of crafts, games, and pictures with Santa inside the house.

Follow the events calendar at for even more details.

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